There is a constant battle that so many of us have fought between “getting it done” and “doing it later,” yet many times even when we begin with all the best intentions to crank out our work we still get nothing done. Here is some helpful insight for you to tackle your work and be your most productive self.

Before getting started on your work, try listing out all of your tasks. You can do this the old school way with a notebook and pen or utilize an app or software to do this digitally. After seeing all of your to-dos together, group or prioritize them to start knocking them out one by one. It feels great to cross-out, check-off, or delete your projects once they are completed!
You want to make sure to have all your work essentials ready and in an order to make your efforts most efficient. Getting up to grab your charger, a pen, or even some water can completely disrupt your workflow (unless it is an intentional break). Try to have all of your equipment and tools handy, water or coffee with a healthy snack in reach, and even adjust your temperature, lighting, and music so you won’t lose focus later on.

If you are feeling overwhelmed with your workload, it may not be that you have too much work–it could be a time management issue. Attack your most important or time-consuming tasks first. If all of your projects seem equally important, then knock out the ones closest to their deadlines and leave your long-term work for later. Also, consider when in the day you do your best work. Maybe get your more difficult tasks out of the way in the morning, and complete easier ones after lunch.
Purposeful breaks are so important while working for both physical and mental reasons. Working on the same things may cause plateau production and start to overwork your mind. You may experience headaches, body aches due to poor posture, and even vision issues especially staring at a computer or device for too long. Give yourself the time to step away from your work, walk around your workspace or outside if possible, and drink some water. All of these small steps can help clear your mind and refresh you to get back to your work.