You know the feeling. It’s about 3:00 pm on a weekday, and you are struggling. You can’t keep your eyes open, you’re yawning, and you are trying your hardest not to nod off in your next Zoom meeting. Deadlines are looming, but the workday isn’t done. How do you maintain your energy and stay engaged to do your best work?
No matter how great your technology is, you won’t be able to work without looking after your own body. One way to do this is by stretching. Stretching helps blood flow through the body and will help boost you with energy. Sitting at a desk for long periods of time can cause the body to ache. When you are in pain it can cause distraction from your work. Stretching overall is a healthy habit to pick up not only for productivity but for your future self.
Also, consider what you are consuming during your workday. There is nothing worse than trying to get work done and all you can think of is how hungry you are. You should get the right nutrition to prepare yourself for work. Bringing nutritious snacks can be a big help like trail mix, fruit, and snack bars. Try to stay away from sugary snacks or heavy meals while working. We have all had that feeling of being full and the last thing on our mind is doing work. Eating light will prevent that.

During your work hours, you should remain organized both mentally and physically. Keep your desk space organized and clean to help keep your mind tidy. Stray from messy behaviors that might cloud your mental space. Maintaining organization makes your workflow more efficient. A disorganized workspace may result in a disorganized mind.
If you are prone to distraction, create some boundaries to help you stay on task. While working on a project, you might not want to look at your phone or email. If you need to check social media, only do so when you are taking a break. A few simple boundaries can help keep your mental state where it needs to be while working.

In any career, you have tasks that bring you life and ones that can really kill your spirit. Work on things that bring you joy, but don’t neglect or put off those more difficult projects when you maybe aren’t at your best. Remember to recharge with some alone time if you are in a very person-facing industry or seek some socialization if you find yourself working a lot in isolation.
You know yourself, and only you can achieve the balance you need. When you need it, play some music that helps lift your spirit or take that coffee break with a coworker. Be honest and make the correct adjustments to allow yourself to be the most productive you can be. Everyone is different so take some time to figure yourself out and always keep in mind that you are not your work.